Are you sure you’re working with the right creator for your brand?

published on 15 February 2023
Photo by Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash
Photo by Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash

In today’s post-IDFA world, strengthened by the change in consumer behaviour, influencer marketing has become a popular way for brands to connect with their target audience. It’s not just limited to brand awareness but increasingly tied to the sales activities especially for D2C brands.

Working with the right influencer can definitely be a cost-effective and efficient way to engage consumers and promote a brand’s products or services. However, finding the right influencer to work with requires more than just a cursory glance at their social media profiles. Brands need to gain a deeper understanding of an influencer’s audience to ensure they are connecting with the right consumers.

Consumer insights play a crucial role in designing an effective influencer marketing campaign. By understanding an influencer’s audience, a brand can tailor its campaign to reach and engage their desired consumers. This not only ensures that the campaign is reaching people who are actually interested in the product or service being offered but also helps the brand identify the influencers that best fit their campaign objectives.

To gain a deeper understanding of an influencer’s audience, brands need to go beyond basic platform analytics such as demographics, location, or influencer type. Instead, they need to take a closer look at the behaviours, interests, values, and motivations of an influencer’s audience. And while doing that, they shouldn’t be limited to typical social listening methodologies such as tracking hashtags or keywords.

Example strategies would include analysis of the comments on the influencer’s channel and behavioural segmentation of them (who says what?).

This approach will help brands design influencer campaigns that align with their brand identity, have a greater impact on their target audience, and maximise their influencer marketing investments avoiding costly mistakes.

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